Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Spectacularly little knitting going on lately. Between work and school I'm finding that I want any of my free time to go to sleeping instead of knitting, or you know, shaving my legs. I wholeheartedly want to cast on the mate for the sock I already knit, but I know I have such little time that I've been devoting what time I can to the holiday knitting I've already got on the needles. *Sigh*

I'm also wickedly ill. I came down with a cold Sunday night and managed to make it through work yesterday but today was a different story. Once I woke up and started moving around I got so incredibly nauseous I spent a good amount of time hugging the toilet. I feel bad about calling out of a job that I just started working at about a month ago, but what can you do? I didn't think vomiting over all the books in the store would be a good career move. Plus the thought of driving to work while dizzy and sweating didn't sound like a fun experience.

So I'm here, in one of my semi-lucid moments (thanks Dayquil! And mom, who brought tissues and chicken soup to a girl in need!) drinking tea and trying to not feel so guilty for being sick. Ironic, isn't it, since I didn't exactly have a say in the matter...

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