Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ah, the first post...

Hi. I'm Jen, a Jersey Girl (or Jersey Purl. Get it? because Jersey Girl was taken...). Simply put, I'm a complicated woman.
  • I'm a graduate student getting my MFA in Creative Writing
  • I'm 26, but feel much older (I'm a widow, my husband died in a car accident three years ago and am still dealing with issues related to said accident)
  • I'm dating a wonderful man who shall be named "Boyfriend" in any following posts. I heart him very much
  • To keep myself out of trouble, I knit, read copiously, paint with acrylics, play World of Warcraft, and clean
  • I have a very strong bond with my mother, who is my best friend, and who is at times, the person I most butt heads with
  • I have dealt with, and still deal with, panic attacks and bouts of depression

And there you have it. That's me, or at least the highly summarized me. More to come.

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