Monday, August 4, 2008

::Heavy Sigh::

I'm having one of those days. I seem to be all thumbs and I'm irritating myself beyond belief. I was almost done with the ribbing on my sock (three more rows to go) when I realized I had somewhere along the line, added a stitch. Probably not a big deal for most knitters, but as I have no idea how to fix my mistakes (picking up dropped stitches, etc.) I had to tear the whole thing out. The second go around I screwed up again, and just now I dropped two stitches at the end of the first round (!!) because I was making the stitches so tight the two left on my left needle just flew off. ::growl:: i can't even take a break and come back to it because I have work until 11pm tonight. At least tomorrow I have a day off and can hopefully make some headway through the leg; I think I might have my second sock lesson this friday morning and I need to be done with my 12 rows of ribbing and 40 rounds of the knit stitch (which I foresee to be slightly less traumatizing than my ribbing experience thus far).

(PS, no call back on the arts & crafts store, so i must not have gotten the job. ::sigh:: back to the drawing board)

(PPS, i must be nearing that time of the month, because everything Boyfriend says is irritating the crap outta me:

as i'm typing this blog entry:
boyfriend: what the heck are you doing over there (note, i type fast)
me: uhhh, typing? duh.

Sorry honey. Let me get some chocolate (of which there's none in this house!!) and I'll be fine. Promise.)

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